According to Facebook, all I do is climb mountains, hang out with foreigners and party.
According to my blog, Korea is perfect: welcoming, safe, convenient and breathtaking.
So here's the annoying bits.
Trash is not managed very well.
Unless you've been wearing ear plugs, I'm assuming you've heard Psy's "Gangnam Style" and perhaps you've even seen the video. If not, a quick
Google search will suffice. In the beginning there's a clip of him and two cute girls walking down the street in a whirlwind of trash. That's a humorous view on a serious truth. It's everywhere, not Central America "everywhere," but compiled poorly and in heaps on many streets.
Korea smells like kimchi. Surprise.
If it's Korean, it's number one. Sorry, Apple. Try again with your silly smartphone.
There's only toilet paper half the time.
Sometimes you have to use a squatter.
Korea offers only terrible excuses for cheese.
You can smoke basically everywhere. In the hallway. In restaurants. In the washroom. And a lot of people smoke.
I'm going to make three huge generalizing statements here, so watch out:
Koreans love to follow trends. When I got here, it was Polo Ralph Lauren. Everyone had the same (unisex) button up with the large RL decal on the left pocket. Now it's Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch. It seems hard to convince them that something is legit unless you've already persuaded their next to kin and five best friends.
Second, Koreans love phones. This goes for children and elderly alike. Never have a seen such a majority in tune with that tiny piece of technology.
Third, old ladies are entitled to whatever they want. They walk straight to the
front of the line. They'll give you an elbow in the back for a seat on
the bus. In charades, they'll insist you fix your face. (They will also
kiss your forehead and give out a jolly laugh when you purchase produce from them on the street. I think they are lovely.)
There's my feeble attempt at a balanced argument for Korea. YIPEE.