May 14, 2012


I ended up at Mudeung mountain in the early morn last weekend awake, restless and without a plan. I hadn't packed a lunch. I had a bottle of water and I planned to explore for a few hours before heading back home to shower and relax before the Cinco de Mayo festivities.

After the bus I took dropped me off on a side of the mountain I'd never been, I was immediately unsure if this impromptu circumstance of adventure might be less than exciting OR perhaps far too exciting, (like ya know, if I got lost.)

I heard running water. Convinced there was a secret waterfall just around the corner, I followed the noise. It wasn't so, but there were rocks big enough to hop down the creek for a good hour. It was a glorious day, and the sight of running water and sun through the trees fulfilled my nostalgia for Asheville and outdoor escapades. So many of my happy moments involve nothing more than sunshine and a flat surface. Eventually nature called, and I headed back toward the bus stop to find a group of foreigners near the restroom.

As it turned out, they planned to summit and they were willing to let random me tag along.

At least this time I kept my eyes open for the photo at the top.

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