January 16, 2012


I'm not sure how I've managed it, but I've been to Seoul three times since September. In a nation the size of the US State I am from, it's pretty easy to maneuver this country. You can jump on a bus and arrive at your destination sometime in the next four hours.

I like Seoul. It has good shopping, excellent international food and a vast assortment of neighborhoods.

Therefore, in the handful of times I have visited, I don't think I've eaten a single Korean meal. Mediterranean, Indian, Italian, Chinese, American... CHECK. But I get so much scrumptious home cookin' in Gwangju that I am eager to delve into anything that doesn't involve rice and kimchi.

With visitors from North America, I knew Korean food was on the menu and ladies and gentleman, I give you KOREAN BARBECUE.

Dinner and drinks for 4... $34. (We ate here two nights in a row.)

I'm sure there are a number of ways to eat it, all of them right and delicious, but the owner was very adamant that we ate it THIS was.

ONE TWO THREE: Take a piece of meat, dip it in the sesame sauce and place meat inside a piece of lettuce.
FOUR: Add some greens.
FIVE: Add some red spicy stuff.
SIX: Add some kimchi and some garlic.
SEVEN: Shove it in your mouth in ONE bite.
EIGHT: Tilt your head back, close your eyes, and enjoy that yumminess.
NINE: Take a swig of Makgeolli (Korean rice wine) and REPEAT.

How do you get here? Get off at Ewah Women's University. Take exit #1. Walk straight and turn right at the Missha (maybe two minutes?!). You should see APM on your right side. Take the second left and walk about half a block. It's on your left. 010 7774 5015

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