February 22, 2012


If time was ever a confusing, intangible figment of space, defying my rational mind and intellect, It’s now. The days don’t matter – but they are all that matter – little, tiny measurements that control whether I’m here or there, whether I’m sane or on the brink. Every month something changes. My classes change, my schedule changes, my workload changes and the kids come and go.

Time is impossible to ignore when a contract is involved. I can count, and counting is threatening, a constant reminder that when time is up, I must carry on or continue to nurture and dig my roots in Korea. A beautiful burden, and a load I hope to carry many more times in my life.

It’s been six months. WHEW. And because of time’s delusional capabilities, I find it ever more important to find ways to focus on the present. In the present, time is not scary because it’s not real.

It’s in my blood to plan. I love to plan. August will come and I’ll be ready for it, but next month is March, and then comes April and as the days continue to snowball, organizing and setting goals for my next adventure still seem trite. What will I do in March? What crazy hobby will I tackle? Which beautiful, sparkling, gem of a human will I meet? Who will leave? What will I do with all the inspiration that is pouring out of my skin?

I can’t imagine being anywhere else, (and this too will change.)


On the bus this week I concluded that each month I’ve spent in Korea can be summarized in one word.

September’s word?: PARTY
November: RUN
December: FAMILY
January: CLIMB

February’s word? WORK.

I pulled a number of very long weeks, a feet that was challenging and at times, burdensome. February often left me out of my element, exhausted and yearning for sleep, human interaction and the energy to cook and play. But it reminded me how good it feels to work, and in contrast, how good it feels to take a rest. I am now a seasoned advocate of the power nap, and I can pack a damn good sack lunch. My bank account is also smiling and I somehow feel refreshed knowing I am capable of the intense extreme that is over working and under sleeping.

I continue to own and take responsibility for my happiness, and I am so, tremendously prepared to devour these next six months.

And after that? I’ll be ready for that too.


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