September 22, 2011


Korea and I are celebrating our one month anniversary tonight. What should I wear? I need to shave my legs!

I tried to prepare myself for the serious talk that would probably ensue over dinner. Namely, at one month, there's really no telling if the relationship is headed in the right direction. Korea and I are still in the honeymoon faze. We just met. It's skin is still new. It's breath is still igniting. I am still refreshed every time I catch a glimpse, taste it's flavor, smell it's smells.

The truth is, Korea is a well kept secret, a gem. I'm happy and comfortable to have my hand gripping it's bicep.

The first thirty days have been great. I'm falling in love, and I would not have it any other way. I can see myself building my life with you (insofar as we consider the next 11 months "my life"). I hope we continue to surprise each other in the most magnificent ways.


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