November 11, 2011


Also Known As: The biggest marketing scam of all time.
Also Known As: The day you can't get on a bus without being jabbed in the back with a large box of Pepero Sticks.
Also Known As: The day every store in Korea becomes a giant maze of Pepero Sticks.

Pepero day is a holiday where you buy pepero sticks and give them to your friends, family, teachers, random strangers, ANYBODY. Except, the Korean company that created Pepero Sticks, Lotte, also happens to be the major retailer where you purchase the original Pepero Sticks. Of course, the rest of the country is not stupid and many other companies now make their own version of the long, thin, biscuit snack. They come in a variety of flavors and are sometimes dipped in chocolate, covered in almonds or filled with hazelnut.

It's a rather commercial holiday, but joyful nonetheless. In fact, it completely makes sense that in a culture of cutesy kindness that there is room for a holiday such as this to exist.

I heard a rumor that I would leave school today with hundreds of pepero sticks, but the school is closed... which is good because I made out well enough on Pepero Day Eve.

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