November 1, 2012


First it was at Gillian's. Then all winter at Katie's. Then Chelin's. And now it's Kerryn's.

I'm typing this from the nest at Katie's while she's at work. This was my request. Yesterday after I finished packing, moving, closing accounts and running around the city, I wanted to be sprawled flat in the love nest. I wanted to stay in Damyang one last time.

The love nest is a combination of all the squishy things in one's apartment laid nicely in some central position of the apartment. At Katie's, it also includes a heating pad. When you're in the love nest, you prepare not to leave. You bring the hot water kettle, the tea, the entire bottle of wine, your books and the computer. Everyone piles in and assumes a comfortable position. Sometimes a movie is played. Usually food is consumed. And sometimes we just fall fast asleep.

Laughing always happens.

There's seems to be an age when it's comfortable to say that having a sleepover can be less fun and more burdensome. As a guest, it's often hard to balance the joy providing company with feeling like an intruder on someone's normal routine.

Not here.

Perhaps this is an element of being an expat that I'll quickly eliminate when I get back home. Everyone's always moving around, and considering we seem to have apartments in all corners of this city, it's convenient to convene for sleep.

I almost wrote, "I'm going to miss these piles.", but honestly, I have a lot of random floors lined up this next year. "Floor" might be too generous. I have a lot of flat surfaces on the horizon.

Here's to blankets. Here's to the nest. Here's to love.
Here's to community.
Here's to SLEEPING OVER, living out of a backpack and silly, silly mornings.

Here's to lovely humans.

As Katie said, "I just like waking up with other people."

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