October 15, 2012


Chris' favorite phrase:

YEAH, WELL, __________________  POOP. Fill in the blank with anything you can think of.

When learning about different kinds of sentences:

Tell me a declarative sentence.
You are stupid.
Okay. And an exclamatory sentence.
You are REALLY stupid!
...And an interrogative sentence.
Why are you so stupid?
And how about an imperative sentence?
Stop being so stupid.

Touche, little man. Touche.

This is actually a really terrible representation of this kid. Chris is very smart, super smart, and there is no denying that he is aware.

My pathetic bantering is no fun. He wants to talk about aerospace and history. I can't hold these conversations in my own language. Sorry, pal. Let's read "The Twits" and be on with it.

Here's to Chris-
For making me laugh.
For testing my patience.
For sky rocketing me head first into the mind of an exceptionally intelligent 12-year-old boy.

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