October 9, 2012


Chelin gets a special shout out here. Chelin was my partner in crime on Mudeungsan from the beginning. She was the first person I summitted with and Chelin is very important.

Chelin makes a mad picnic. She can even contend with the Koreans, and they are not to be reckoned with when it comes to picnics. These people know how to eat on the side of a mountain.

A typical hiking meal involves kimbap. I'd say it's by far the most common element. At a dollar a pop, kimbap is boring sushi. A standard roll is filled with pickled radish, ham, egg and fake crab. Kimbap takes time to appreciate. It's easy, fast, cheap, filling, decently nutritious, and once it wears on you, kind of delicious.

I actually don't know if I like it, but it's just the thing to do. If you're going hiking, you pick up some chomchee (tuna) kimbap. ("Kim" means seaweed. "Bap" means rice.)

Here's to Chelin: the boss of Mudeung lunches.

Besides kimbap, she's been known to supplement with whole-grain, flax seed bread (consider that as easy as striking gold in this country), avocado, apples, goldfish crackers and brie.

Here's to kimbap and Chelin - for being choice on mountains.

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